Sunday, April 26, 2009

Helping out with Krokop Kindergarten Sports Day

During 25/4/2009, Saturday, a group of 15 Curtin Volunteers! had help out with Krokop Kindergarten Sports Day.

This event had go on with great success and the organizer were very happy with our volunteers effort and looking forward to work with us again in the future. Curtin Volunteers! Miri would like to express gratitude towards the volunteers involve. Below is the name list of the volunteers

  1. Gerain Chan
  2. Raymond Kong
  3. Kelvin Lim
  4. Jeannie Lau
  5. Ho Yu Kui
  6. Catherine Chia
  7. Priscilla Kho
  8. Maneesha Nambugee
  9. Eddie Tiong
  10. Farasha Bashir
  11. Kevin Junvei Leh
  12. George Lau
  13. Kah Wai
  14. Karen Kuek
  15. Anne Tie

Good jobs and keep up the good work!

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