Saturday, November 13, 2004

Meet the 'Family'

The SOAR Advisors of August Intake Orientation 2004
From left to right,
(Furthest row behind) Iqbal, Shenton, Ehon, Kian (Hiung), (Senior) Wong, Thush & Mark.
(Row in the middle) Bay, Dian, Izzah, Kimmy, Serena, Joana, Navodi & Giegel.
(Front row) Gretchel, Snow Jae & ABEL.
(Missing from picture) Michelle.

Dance For Humanity 2004
From left to right,
(Furthest row behind) Barke, Sara, VJ, Jack, Abel & (Me!).
(Middle row) Ehon, Iqbal, KC, Bella, Joana, Snow J, Navodi & Fiona.
(Front row) Liz & Gretchel
(Missing from picture) Eng Kiat
(Holding camera) Seryna

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